+91 83328 87895


Welcome to Theresa's


About Us

Hearty welcome to one and all. I would like to thank you all for responding to our invitation and gracing this occasion. We deem it our good fortune to be a part of this August assembly and take pride  in presenting our school the first annual report to our distinguished personalities and dear parents gathered here. An eventful year filled with aspiration that has made us to march forward with ambition to excel in all our endeavors. Following religiously its glorious vision St. Theresa’s secondary school imparts value based education to the children in sanathnagar and surrounding areas. Our increased above 700 in these 3 years. This year school had upgraded class 8th. Now our school fully operational till class 8th.


Why Choose us


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Our Mission


We train youngsters to face the challenges of personal and social life by providing them quality education at affordable cost. We teach and guide our students through various programs to become liberated individuals who will be the pride of our great nation INDIA.

Our Visions


The vision of the school is to provide all round education and nurture a child’s innate curiosity and train the child intellectually, morally and socially to achieve excellence in life

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